Competitor Ads Research Tool

Keyword or competitor domain
Ad Library Search Link
Alphabet (Google Search, YouTube, Etc.) Search
Meta (Facebook, Instagram, Etc.) Search
Bing Search
LinkedIn Search
TikTok Search
Pinterest (E.U. Only) Manual Search
Snapchat (E.U. Only) Search

Did you know you can get a jump start on your ads campaign by learning from competitors?

First, find your competitors using Google, Social media, Trustpilot, Similarweb, SEMRush / Ahrefs.

For SaaS companies, you could additionally use G2, Capterra, Producthunt, etc.

You could even type in keywords in the above tool to try to find competitors.

Once you have a list of competitors, plug in their domain above to search ad libraries of the top ad networks.

If you see active ads, and a history of previous ads, that’s a great sign.

Not only do you know ads work, you have a direction to go when making your own campaign.

P.S. We’re a software development company that can make traffic, lead, and sales generating tools for your business or agency.

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